With our training institute IWD-academy we want to respond to the call from insurance advisors, Risk Managers, Acceptors, claims handlers and entrepreneurs to share our knowledge and expertise with them in the context of courses.
In addition to a need for general knowledge, there is also a demand for more specific theoretical knowledge that can be directly combined with (own) practice. The IWD academy therefore offers two types of training, namely:
Introduction Risk Expert

- This one-day course focuses on all general knowledge and skills required to properly assess an (insurance) risk and to properly interpret an inspection report.
- The day starts with a theoretical part and ends with a visit to a company location, where all acquired knowledge is immediately applied.
Custom course

- Here, on request, one specific topic or a few topics are discussed, with each part of the topic being covered. Here, we can use one of our partner companies.
These courses are given internally and on location. If desired, we can also provide them in-company.These courses are given internally and on location. If desired, we can also provide them in-company.