If you are a company or private individual and an insurance is taken out, it is of course very important to ensure a correct insured amount on the policy. If this amount is not correct, this can cause problems in the event of damage.
An example: the Verhoeven family’s home suffered €10,000 in damage. The home is insured for €300,000, but it should actually be €400,000. Because only ¾ of the rebuilding value is insured, the Verhoeven family only receives ¾ of the damage, i.e. €7,500
Insuring a higher amount is also not wise, because then too much premium is paid, while the insurance does not reimburse more than the actual damage.
Expert valuation
In order to insure enough, but not too much, an appraisal can be carried out. The Civil Code stipulates that the value determined by an expert will be binding when settling the damage. This is called a “fixed appraisal”, which is based on article 7:960 of the Civil Code.
An objective insurance valuation is important when you take out insurance. We are specialized in determining the insured value.
Brim subsidy
Any subsidy for a monument is determined on the basis of a reconstruction value valuation. A good valuation report is important for awarding a Brim subsidy for the maintenance of the monument. The valuation of (national) monuments by IWD meet the requirements according to art. 7:960 of the civil code”.
Our office is affiliated with the Stichting Verenigd Register van Valuers (VRT). Our valuation reports meet the set guidelines.